Friday 8 June 2012

Windy Days and Inflexible Appointments

Woke up to the beautiful evidence of climate change that is our current summertime weather (yes I know climate isn't weather, but this is meant to be summer). My appointment to sign was at 10 past 10 this week. It's like a lottery; will i get the winning ticket and be given an appointment that makes sense? Not next time apparently as they have chosen to ignore the letter my GP wrote to them and can't, it seems, make any exceptions using their inflexible booking system (it seems impossible to block book my appointment times, for example, which are meant to be 10am, which would be fine). So in a fortnight I'm in at twenty to 3 in the afternoon, assuming that's ok with the buses, I don't know (I never have to travel here at that time).

Curiously as I was signed (which again involved mysterious data input before my jobsearch diary was signed - no special coupons for me) I heard a call being taken by the floor supervisor. My ears pricked up when I heard the call refer to not just Jobfit (the prime I'm supposed to be with), but also the Salvation Army. Against reason I tried to hang around afterwards to see if I could hear more. Unfortunately I couldn't divine a great deal, but it sounded like the caller wasn't happy as the supervisor asked them if they'd made a complaint to the provider (the Jobcentre don't have any power to deal with complaints it would appear; I've heard staff tell claimants to go through the provider before). Looks like another unhappy Salvation Army conscript (one can only hope). Would love to know how many of my fellow souls are as happy with their service as me!


  1. That is what really annoys me.. You have a problem with the company, job fit/sally ann.. and you go to jobfit and sally ann to complain and YOU know they will say nothing wrong here.. Its you that has the problem not us...

    So you can't complain as they will blame you, and they wonder why people dont complain to the company..

    1. I have a feeling that more than a few people are a bit annoyed with their set up. If only I could find out more.

  2. I am just about to send in a complaint about my provider. I've been trying to find out what the complaint process is - ie. who to complain to first, who next etc. - and unsurprisingly it's been confusing. My provider is the subcontracted Triage Central Ltd, the prime is Ingeus. I believe that these providers deliberately make the process difficult and obscure in order to make people 'give up' and not pursue the matter. I'll try and post online what I find out - it really is a grubby little set up when they try to trick people out of their justified complaints.

    1. There's no accountability, that's the problem, and of course noone cares about the rights of people out of work because they are all scroungers.


I'm Back!

Years and years ago, before anyone had ever heard of disease and pandemics, I started this blog. I gave it a stupid name from an Alan Partri...