Tuesday 19 July 2011

Daily Fail

I'm not referring to everyone's favourite fish and chip wrapper (the Daily Mail), but this that I have just found on Youtube. I post because the article comes from the BBC (Points West, the local news programme I get as I live near Bristol) and is, as far as I can tell, genuine. I'm going to come back to this entry when I've had time to digest this, but daily signing is the most fucking ridiculous bollocks to have come from the DWP in a while now (and coming from the DWP it's in good company). I can only assume that claimants get their money refunded for non signing days, as they do (or at least used to) for weekly signing. On £65 a week daily signing can be one hell of an expense - and for what? How on earth, how on earth, can this ever benefit people? Again the assumption that without this daily kick up the arse people will languish in their hashish pits till teatime; their lives lit by the glow of Jeremy Cathode Ray Tube Kyle. It won't make more jobs appear and will certainly heap even more on the desks of frontline staff that already are understaffed and overworked (and that's assuming they do their jobs properly).

Words fail me folks.

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